AgriSkills E-learning Platform: Bridging Borders in Digital Agriculture Education

We are thrilled to share the exciting news about the AgriSkills E-learning Platform—a dynamic initiative created in five languages (English, Slovenian, Macedonian, German, and Greek) to facilitate self-learning and vocational education and training (VET) in the realm of digital agriculture. Developed under a Creative Commons license, this platform is freely accessible to everyone interested in advancing their knowledge and skills in the field.

The platform contains four sections:

Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive Training Course, carefully crafted to provide a deep dive into the multifaceted world of Digital Agriculture. Accessible in five languages, this course equips learners with the essential skills needed for success in the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture. Engage at your own pace and discover the possibilities that digitalization brings to the field.

Dive into our Modules, designed to address specific aspects of Digital Agriculture. Whether you are interested in precision farming, smart technologies, or digital transformation strategies, our modular approach allows you to tailor your learning experience to suit your interests and goals.

Navigate through our extensive Catalogue, a rich repository of resources tailored to enhance your understanding and proficiency in Digital Agriculture. Practical knowledge is essential for highlighting successful digitalization practices implemented by others in their farms and regions. Furthermore, the Catalogue describes existing digital technologies and illustrates how farmers have already applied innovative solutions.

AgriSkills 4.0 e-Learning Platform:

Your Gateway to Good Practices and Use Cases

Learn from real-world examples, discover best practices, and gain insights that can shape your own journey towards excellence in the digital realm of agriculture. This is an interactive database searchable by various criteria.

Access the platform, and let the journey begin!

Join us in this transformative educational experience and embrace the opportunities that Digital Agriculture presents. The AgriSkills is not just a course; it’s a community-driven initiative, bringing together individuals passionate about shaping the future of agriculture.

About AgriSkills

“AgriSkills – Entrepreneurial Skills for Digitalization of Rural Agriculture”is a European project, funded by Erasmus+ Program. Our objective is to raise awareness about the digital transformation in agriculture and to provide a training program for entrepreneurial skills in digital, smart and precision farming.

The AgriSkills consortiumbrings extensive experience in business development, vocational training, digital technologies, innovation management, and regional development.

The AgriSkills outcomes stimulate awareness, knowledge, and skills of learners and trainers in the field on the issues of digitalization and digital farming.

The initial survey, titled “Uncovering Essential Skills for Adopting Digital Technologies in Agriculture” ( is a study of the needs for the development of upskilling knowledge and competences useful for the adoption of digital technologies in agricultural production and management. The survey was conducted in five European countries: Germany, North Macedonia, Greece, Slovenia, and Austria.

AgriSkills Training Course (, developed as a ‘guided tour’ through the entire range of digital opportunities in agriculture, introduces the needed skills and competences implemented into a complete training.

AgriSkills reference catalogue,  titled “AgriSkills Guidebook on Digitalization in Agriculture” (, promotes inspiring initiatives, good practices, and use cases with a special focus on fostering business development, thus making innovation happen in agriculture, especially in rural areas.

AgriSkills 4.0 e-Learning Platform ( serves as a virtual environment for interactive online courses, representing a completely new approach to understanding digital agriculture.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 

Project number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000034651

All AgriSkills Intellectual Outputs are Open Educational Resources.

Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International License

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