A Successful Final for giCASES Project

giCases Kick-OffThe giCASES Final Report has been approved by EACEA with the score of 98/100!
All the goals and attended outcomes of the project were achieved. In particular, our project was considered “a ‘best practice’ in terms of company involvement (partnership, contributions and benefits) and connectivity to European policies and initiatives (relevance and sustainability)”.

gCases logo

Wissenstransfer auf digitalen Plattformen: Community-Building als Erfolgsfaktor

INI-Novation_Wissenstransfer auf digitalen PlattformenWelche Methoden sind geeignet, eine digitale Plattform zum Austausch von Fallstudien nachhaltig zu platzieren? Wie können Nutzer motiviert werden, die Ergebnisse im Sinne einer Knowledge Co-Creation weiterzuentwickeln? Und wie können über solche Plattformen wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse breit gestreut werden? Im Kontext der Geographic Information Science and Technology befasste sich unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Carsten Reuter eine dreiköpfige studentische Projektgruppe der Hochschule Aschaffenburg drei Monate lang mit dieser Fragestellung.

Praxispartner im Projekt war die INI-Novation GmbH in Mühltal bei Darmstadt. Mit der auf Innovationsmanagement spezialisierten Unternehmensberatung hat die Hochschule Aschaffenburg bereits mehrere studentische Projekte erfolgreich durchgeführt. Anlass für das aktuelle Projekt war, dass INI-Novation für das vom EU-Programm ERASMUS geförderte Projekt giCASES Ansätze für einen nachhaltigen Betrieb entwickeln möchte, um nach Auslaufen der Förderphase nachhaltig erfolgreich  zu sein. Die international besetzte Studentengruppe (ein Projektmitglied stammt aus den Niederlanden) wertete hierzu zahlreiche Quellen aus und setzte unter anderem Methoden wie Balanced Scorecard und Marktsegmentierung ein.


Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit fortgesetzt

„Die Studierenden konnten eindrucksvoll belegen, dass unser bisheriger Weg, den Wissenstransfer in den Vordergrund zu stellen, nur ein Teil der Lösung ist. Mindestens genauso wichtig ist für den erfolgreichen Betrieb dieser Plattformen die Bildung und Bindung einer Community, die aktiv das Thema mitgestaltet. Der unverfälschte Blick der Studierenden auf die Thematik hat unsere Perspektive erweitert “, schwärmt Dr. Wolfgang Kniejski von INI-Novation. Seine Kollegin und Projektleiterin Angela Ivanova ergänzt: „Die vielen analysierten Praxisbeispiele von Plattformen ganz anderer Art helfen uns, Mehrwerte für die Nutzer besser zu erkennen, zu verstehen und auf giCASES zu übertragen. Dies führt mittelfristig zu einer Qualifizierung dringend benötigter Fachkräfte und unterstützt die digital Transformation beim praktischen Einsatz geographischer Informationssysteme.“


Feierliche Zertifikatübergabe

Die Vertreter der INI-Novation betonten, dass die erarbeiteten Ansätze das Projekt sicher weiter bringen würden. Als Dankeschön für die geleistete Arbeit überreichte Frau Ivanova daher am 1. Februar ein Zertifikat an die Studentengruppe.



Background information

Das Information Management Institut (IMI) wurde zu Beginn des Jahres 2011 gegründet und ist eine wissenschaftlich-akademische Einrichtung der Fakultät Wirtschaft und Recht an der Hochschule Aschaffenburg. Das IMI betreibt Arbeiten und Projekte der Angewandten Forschung und des Wissenstransfers auf dem Gebiet der Wirtschaftsinformatik (engl.: Information Management). Die im IMI vertretenen akademischen Themen entsprechen weitgehend den Lehrgebieten der im Institut tätigen Professoren. Weiter sind die Veröffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Schriften, die Veranstaltung von Vortragsreihen und Tagungen sowie die generelle Förderung des Offenen Akademischen Diskurses Aufgaben des IMI. Für weitere Informationen siehe


INI-Novation GmbH provides leading edge expertise in the creation of new business development and strong expertise in innovation management. INI-Novation serves as a specialist in transfers of technologies with practical experience in innovation finances and capital raising for SMEs as well as in development of training sessions.


Co-creation of knowledge: lessons learned and the giCASES approach

Image: © INI-Novation GmbH - Como, 2016

Image: © INI-Novation GmbH – Como, 2016

The giCASES project is a “Knowledge Alliance” financed under the European ERASMUS+ program. The giCASES project will develop new methods for co-creation of knowledge, where industrial partners and universities will jointly develop new case based learning material. On 7 June 2016, the first giCases Dissemination Seminar was organised in Como (Italy) by our Italian partner Politecnico di Milano. (Source:

The goal of the seminar, named “Co-creation of knowledge: lessons learned and the giCASES approach“, is to stimulate the discussion and exchange experiences on the co-creation of knowledge process. The seminar program included the presentation of some initiatives already implemented in the field of co-creation of knowledge and introduces the case studies that will be developed by the giCASES project.

Currently, INI-Novation is involved as a partner to support the implementation and exploitation of the final project results.

Participate in the giCASES survey on collaboration in GIS&T education


gCases logoINI-Novation is a partner in the European project named giCases, and we kindly ask you to participate in the giCASES survey on collaboration in GIS&T education.

The European giCASES project is investigating how higher education institutions are working together with private companies and public administrations in the design and delivery of GIS&T education in Europe. Therefore, giCASES would like to invite individuals and organizations from the higher education sector but also from the public and private sector to participate in a survey  on collaboration between higher education institutions and other stakeholders in the design and delivery of GIS&T education.

This short survey is a unique opportunity for teachers, program coordinators but also GI professionals in the private or public sector to share their experiences with and views on collaboration in GIS&T education. In addition, the survey also aims to collect good practices in collaboration between higher education institutions and other stakeholders in the design and delivery of GIS&T education.

The survey can be accessed here.

giCASES is a Knowledge Alliance project under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. The project aims to enable and strengthen innovation in GIS&T education and practice, and facilitate the collaborative creation, management and sharing of knowledge between different stakeholders. The giCASES project will develop and test new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching, learning and knowledge management in the area of GIS&T.

The survey is the first step in the project, and will help the project partners to better understand current ways of collaboration in GIS&T education and the needs and expectations of different stakeholders regarding this collaboration. Should you have any comments or questions regarding this survey, please feel free to contact the survey organizers.

Thank you in advance for your participation! We appreciate your time and valuable input.

The giCASES consortium.

giCASES kick-off meeting

giCases Kick-OffThe kick-off meeting of the giCASES project was held in Genoa last 26-27 January 2016.
The event was attended by all the members of the Consortium.
giCASES has officially started on January 1, 2016, with an expected life of 36 months and ending 31 December 2018.

The wider objectives of this projects are:

  • to enable and strengthen innovation in GI education and industry
  • to facilitate the collaborative creation, management and sharing of knowledge.

These objectives are addressed by developing new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning within the Geographic Information (GI) sector, and facilitating the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge.

In particular, the specific objectives of this project are:

  • to improve the quality and relevance of GI courses provided by the University members of the consortium;
  • to facilitate the growth of new knowledge-sharing processes and tools between enterprises and universities;
  • to improve the management of knowledge by the partners.

The overall approach to address these objectives is to develop new learning material and processes based on case based learning. In the approach taken in this project, enterprises and academia will collaborate both when creating learning material based on real cases and also during and after the courses (through a collaborative platform).

Main results expected:

  • Creation of a repository of best practices on industry-academia cooperation to create and share knowledge in the GI domain
  • Definition of the focus, scope and requirements of the case studies
  • Specification of innovative collaboration methods, with best practices on different methods and validation of these methods in different settings
  • Definition of process, tools and methodologies for co-creation of knowledge
  • Definition of technical specifications for the set up of a collaboration tool (collaborative platform) and implementation of the technical infrastructure
  • A set of case studies adopted for case based learning and related learning material

The collaborative platform will also be used to make the project results (learning material and processes) available to other stakeholders under open licences, as well as to attract more content providers / stakeholders to contribute to the growth of the content base.