Kick-off meeting “AgriSkills” 

The European Erasmus+ project “AgriSkills – Entrepreneurial Skills for Digitalization of Agriculture in Rural Areas” has been successfully launched with two project meetings: an online initial meeting on March 22nd and an official face-to-face meeting in Darmstadt on May 10th. Our company, INI-Novation, leads the project consortium, which comprises five European partners: INI-Novation (Germany), Connextions (Greece), MEDF (North Macedonia), WIN (Austria), and ID20 (Slovenia). These partners bring expertise in business development, vocational training, digital technologies, innovation management, and regional development. All partners are local organizations located in regions where there is a recognized need for improved agricultural development, leveraging the opportunities presented by digitalization.

AgriSkills Mission

Digital agriculture, smart, and precision agriculture are vital for improving the sustainability of the food industry. As agriculture undergoes transformation, various technical, social, economic, and practical issues arise, significantly impacting the structure, practice, and management of commercial agriculture and businesses.

AgriSkills Consortium’s mission is to promote sustainable rural development across Europe by fostering the transformation of agriculture within European rural communities into vibrant hubs of entrepreneurial skills and innovation.
This aims to create a dynamic learning environment at the regional level.
The goal is to raise awareness of digital transformation in agriculture and provide a training program for entrepreneurial skills to implement digital, precision, and smart agriculture practices.

The Results

Over the next two years, our consortium will focus on creating the following learning materials and tools to enhance the awareness, knowledge, and skills of learners and trainers in the field of digital agriculture:

AgriSkills Training Course: Designed for self-learning or blended learning, this course will serve as a “guided tour” through the wide range of digital capabilities in agriculture. It will introduce the necessary skills and competencies embedded in comprehensive training.

AgriSkills Reference Catalogue: This reference catalog will promote inspiring good practices and use cases, with a special focus on fostering business development in agriculture, especially in rural areas. It will also showcase technology-driven applications for agriculture.

AgriSkills e-Learning Platform: The AgriSkills 4.0 e-Learning Platform will be created in five languages (English, Slovenian, Macedonian, German, and Greek) to facilitate self-learning and Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the realm of Digital Agriculture. Developed under a Creative Commons license, this platform will be freely accessible to everyone interested in advancing their knowledge and skills in the field.

If you have questions, please do not hesitated to contact us.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 

Project number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000034651

All AgriSkills Intellectual Outputs are Open Educational Resources.

Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International License

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