
Intellectual Property Rights and Geographical Identification Training for Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism – Learn IP is an European project funded by Erasmus+ program.

European right-holders and asset owners need access to effective ways of protecting their values internationally for growth and competitiveness to avoid that the economic and social potential of IPR gets lost. They need skills to identify, protect, apply and valorise it. When their ideas, brands and products are pirated and counterfeited, expertise and jobs are affected.

This is exactly where LEARN-IP comes in

The online training program will be developed 2020 – 2022 to support cultural heritage managers and cultural tourism actors with the effective use of digital technologies to check for compliance with IPR regulations. It will raise awareness of the many IPR regulations and their relevance for products and services. The training program will act as an online “guided tour” through IPR regulations and will indicate what can be done to legally protect your property, expertise and knowledge. It will provide transparency in a field that for many representatives of cultural heritage and cultural tourism is still a no man’s land. The training will also show when professional help is recommended.

Our Results

Three learning materials are developed:

  • LEARN-IP Modular Training Course
  • LEARN-IP e-Learning platform: https://moodle.learn-ip.eu/
  • LEARN-IP Guidelines / Handbook for training courses

Our team

LEARN-IP is implemented by seven European partners with expertise in vocational training, Intellectual Property Rights, cultural and religious heritage, cultural and spiritual tourism, and digital technologies.

  • Kultur und Arbeit e.V. – Association Culture & Work, Germany: www.kultur-und-arbeit.de, contact learn-ip@kultur-und-arbeit.de
  • Bucovina Tourism Association, Romania: www.bucovinaturism.ro
  • INI-Novation Bulgaria OOD, Bulgaria: www.ini-novation.com
  • Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation, North Macedonia: www.mrfp.org.mk/mk/
  • Sociedad Regional Educación, Cultura y Deporte S.L, Spain: https://srecd.es/
  • Tergau & Walkenhorst Patentanwälte I Rechtsanwälte, Germany: https://tergau-walkenhorst.com/

Target groups of the project

The main target groups are cultural, religious and creative tourism professionals, cultural workers and cultural / religious heritage managers. The secondary target group are training providers who will offer the training in the future.

LEARN-IP is in line with the Guidance on the Directive on the Enforcement of IPR of the European Commission, which clearly identified the importance of IPR as a European topic: “In a world where EU companies are increasingly competing on innovation, creativity and quality, intellectual property (‘IP’) is a powerful tool for growing the competitiveness of all companies.” 3 (2017).

More about our work: https://learn-ip.eu/

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